Age of Wonders: Planetfall – Console Commands


Console Commands

The cheats console tin last opened yesteryear the Ctrl + Alt + C fundamental combination. Then, type ane of the next codes together with press [Enter] to activate the corresponding cheat function:

Console Commands

barentz Explores the map together with turns off fog of war.

cruijff All units accept infinite movement.

hauer – Level upwards all units together with heroes inwards the selected army.

hein – Win the electrical flow game.

leeuwenhoek Completes the electrical flow research.

philips Completes the production queue inwards every city.

rembrandt Grants 100000 Energy together with Cosmite.

tasman – Explores the map.

iamgod – Win every auto-battle.

demo – Unlocks all interrogation together with gives yous a ton of resources.

masterskills – Completes all research.

instantskills – Skills interrogation instantly.

ruijter – Unlocks all hero equipment.

oldenbarnevelt – Grants maximum influence.

oppenheimer – Win the electrical flow game through doomsday victory.

ikbedoelalles – Unlocks all globe map operations from all races together with undercover techs.

freepop – Only industrial plant amongst colony selected, gives the colony an additional colonist.

optimalprime – Enables operations to at ane time prime.

appeasefaction – Only industrial plant amongst faction units selected, improves relations amongst selected faction.

hatefaction – Only industrial plant amongst faction units selected, decreases relations amongst selected faction.

makeally – Only industrial plant when looking at a commander inwards the diplomacy screen,

changes diplomatic soil amongst that commander to an alliance.

(Other cheats for diplomatic states are; makedefensive, makepeace, makeneutral, makewar.)

Some of our cheats, such every bit freepop, tin last scaled yesteryear adding a rate out together with a infinite inwards front. For example; ’10 freepop’ every bit a cheat, volition plow over yous x colonists inwards the selected colony.

As of 11/08/2019 using console commands does non disable achievements.

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