Ni no Kuni Wrath of the White Witch Remastered – Beginner Guide

Beginner Guide
With every bit many companions/familiars every bit you lot get, plumbing equipment them all amongst weapons as well as armor tin move quite hard every bit equipment inward this game does non come upwards cheaply. And mana restoring items volition slow but for sure also plough over the axe a hole inward your pocket…
However at that spot is a trivial play tricks you lot tin role i time you lot direct unlocked familiar retreat to brand your fiscal province of affairs a lot better. Upon your offset watch to it you lot volition have a i fourth dimension gift of three drops for each sign + three Great Sage’s secret. The latter are essentially elixir type of items which restore all your HP as well as MP as well as every bit nosotros all know volition they are besides expert to ever move used as well as therefore you lot powerfulness every bit good simply sell them.
Luckily for us each of them sells for a whopping 6000 guilders. Yes, 6000. And you lot instruct three of them at a indicate inward fourth dimension inward the game where you lot only direct near 4000. So I strongly recommend selling them whenever you lot are depression on money. However don’t sell them at i time as well as therefore that inward illustration you lot choke you lot volition lose less coin if you lot chose to continue.
Familiar Signs
Familiar signs plough over you lot a 20% impairment boost to the sign it is potent against.
Single Sun does 20% to a greater extent than impairment to single/double Luna as well as 20% less to single/double star.
Single Luna does 20% to a greater extent than impairment to single/double star as well as 20% less to single/double sun.
Single star does 20% to a greater extent than impairment to single/double Sun as well as 20% less to single/double moon.
If a familiar has a double sign that impairment boost goes upwards to 30%. But as well as therefore does also the impairment penalization against the sign it is weak against. So if you lot direct a double sign it is fifty-fifty to a greater extent than of import to assault a neutral/strong sign.
Planet is a chip unlike amongst unmarried planet doing 50% to a greater extent than impairment to double planet. Double planet does 10% to a greater extent than to sun, Luna as well as star.
You also instruct the next bonuses: (single/double)
- Sun: 5/10% bonus resist to plough over the axe as well as sleep
- Moon: 5/10% bonus resist to tempest as well as poison
- Star: 5/10% bonus resist to H2O as well as confusion
- Planet: 5/10% bonus sense points
The distribution of signs is somewhat random. Most familiars tin move either sun, moon, or star. They tin also direct a double sign though it is rarer than the unmarried sign.
Some stronger familiars direct a small-scale peril to exhibit upwards every bit either unmarried or double planet. In this case, if a familiar shows upwards every bit unmarried planet, it can’t exhibit upwards every bit double planet. Same for contrary too. If it’s possible to move one, it can’t move the other.
Once you lot tame a familiar you lot cannot alter it’s sign. It volition maintain the same sign forever fifty-fifty through metamorphosis.
As you lot volition rapidly discover i time you lot instruct novel companions the AI inward this game sucks. There is no manner closed to if fifty-fifty amongst the tactics settings, even as well as therefore using it to your wages volition brand life a trivial easier.
There are a few ways to operate closed to this:
- Personally I direct fix everyone to “keep us healthy” every bit they volition to a greater extent than oftentimes than non heal themselves earlier getting killed as well as maintain you lot topped upwards as well as therefore you lot tin focus on using your familiars (as opposed to switching to Oliver to heal). They soundless assault as well as role magics as well as therefore it is a overnice compromise where they don’t kill themselves yesteryear neglecting to heal spell soundless beingness aggressive when appropriate. The only downside is your companions volition oftentimes run out of magic.
- Another strategy to foreclose them from using besides much magic is to fix everyone to “dont role whatever abilities” as well as direct familiars amongst potent assault as well as expert defense forcefulness every bit the offset familiar for everyone on your party. However this volition take away to a greater extent than manual healing as well as magical familiars tin create much to a greater extent than impairment than physical ones inward some cases as well as therefore it powerfulness non move ideal dps wise.
Overall my indicate is: if you lot direct problem amongst the AI play closed to amongst the tactics as well as which familiars you lot are giving to whom every bit it tin brand a big divergence inward the effectiveness of the AI.
Battle Tips
1) Use L2 as well as R2 to navigate the battle menus.
At the start you lot volition probable role your D-pad to navigate those but the downside is that it volition hinder your powerfulness to motion every bit your left pollex can’t move on the command stick as well as D-pad at the same. Which convey us to the adjacent point.
2) Keep moving during battle.
Ni no Kuni is a mix of turn-based elements as well as actions based combat. Do non instruct inward the habit of simply standing at that spot as well as mashing the assault push every bit this tin easily instruct you lot killed fifty-fifty inward normal encounters. Movement is primal for a expose of reason:
- You tin bait out attacks to gain fourth dimension to shape a spell without taking damage
- You tin exclusively dodge sure attacks that would otherwise hitting you
- You tin gain fourth dimension spell waiting for a command that is currently on cooldown (healing e.g.)
- You tin selection upwards orbs earlier they disappear (especially helpful inward boss battles)
- Some bosses tin only move damaged from behind
- Probably to a greater extent than clever situations I can’t mean value of correct now
3) Steal from bosses
Without spoiling besides much you lot volition instruct the powerfulness subsequently inward the game to steal items from enemies. While nightmares as well as bounties never acquit items to steal, bosses ever acquit items that are worthwhile stealing.
Tame Chances
Each monster has a fix peril for it to move tamed. Even though the game says that “the stronger you lot are the easier it becomes” this is non true. It also does non affair whether enemies run away from you lot earlier battle or non (as I initially assumed).
Which shows all the tame chances for every enemy inward the game.